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14th Sun. after Pentecost- Before Exaltation. Tone 5.

Epistle: Gal 6, 11-18 & 2. Cor 1, 21-24; 2, 1-4.

Gospel: Jn 3, 13-17 & Matt 22, 2-14.

Holy Hieromonk Autonomus (Apodosis of the Nativity of the Theotokos).

It is the joy of being part of a new creation, the New Adam, the Body of Christ. It is the blessing of life everlasting, of the salvation of God, which the cross of Christ has brought into the world.

Your Nativity, O Virgin, Has proclaimed joy to the whole universe! The Sun of Righteousness, Christ our God, Has shone from You, O Theotokos!

Schedule of the Services

Tuesday, Sept. 27, 2016- THE EXALTATION OF THE CROSS- Divine Liturgy at 10 AM.
Sunday, Oct. 2, 2016- Divine Liturgy & Church School at 10 AM.

Fr. Mile is in Serbia. Fr. Luka Novakovic (219) 702-9211 or substitutes on Sept. 21 and Sept. 25.

Kolo Slava
OHR Kolo Sestara celebrate their Slava on Sept. 25. Luncheon will be held following the Divine Liturgy, Pomen and cutting of Kolac in the Church Hall. Honourd Kuma is Mira Pavlovic.

SOCO Folklore
Christine Krcadinac will start giving folklore costumes. $50.00 deposit for every child is required. Please take good care of costumes.

Please donate a candle for Health or In Memory. The price for either one is $20.00.

We pray for the health and salvation for the servants of God:
MirkŠ° Ivanisevic, Slobodan (Mike) Pavlovic, Zorica Jovanovic, Jelena Opsenica, Dimitrije Micic, Velimir Majdov, Slavica Kostic Prostran, Miroslav Nikolic, and Dragan Kainovic.

We pray for the repose of the souls of the servants of God:
+Milenko Vuckovich, and +Stevan Stojanovic.


Author admin

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